Monday, October 10, 2011

Something new at Sarah Watson Illustration!

Hey there!

Last week I had a big surprise with a little shout out on Brooklyn Bride, a modern wedding blog.  I know I used this site as a resource when planning my wedding, and have huge respect for their design sense. Their team has a great color sense, understands the importance of details, and has an overall aesthetic that I, and probably a lot of other people, enjoy.

So, now that I've told you how great they are, and that they feature the best of the best, I will let you know that they did a short but sweet post featuring my calligraphy. I was super excited to find out about it, and realized I need to pump up my wedding portfolio a little more! Here's just a little something new I did to try and lure all you future clients into my design trap! Muaahahaha.

A fun note, as it is a mockup, I used "fictitious" names and dates. The names are my parents. Ain't that sweet?

I love this colorway, but also offer this design in many other colorways, so it can easily be customized for your wedding. The design is initally based on a print I did (for fabric), which is the backdrop of the first image. This can be printed for handkerchiefs, hand sewn fabric envelopes, whatever your heart desires!

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