Monday, August 22, 2011


As you may have gathered by previous posts, I have a garden.

I'm pretty cheap, and like to eat healthy, so the idea of having vegetables at my disposal, for free in my yard sounds great. Along the lines of being cheap, I sometimes refuse to spend two dollars on a pack of seeds. Vegetables are cheap. I might as well just buy them from the grocery store, with the way some of these seed packs are priced.

So from the plants I have growing (some of them are from those expensive seed packs, some I planted seeds I 'found', i.e. tomato seeds from my salad), I save the seeds. That way I can plant seeds of my own. I know where they come from, whether they've been exposed to pesticides or crazy fertilizers (in my yard, they haven't), and that makes me feel good.

Today I finally made some seed packets for the seeds from this year's garden. I carved the stamp myself, and also made the envelopes. I love the idea of homemade envelopes. I think they would be beautiful for a collage-y wedding or event. Because I made the stamp myself, not too much information could go on the packet, so labeling information will go on the back.

All that being said, I don't always save my seeds. If I buy them, I've ordered them online from the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. All the seeds I've gotten from there are great, lots of them are organic, and they're from the South-ish, which means they're probably grow better here than a seed raised in Oregon. That's all on that topic though.

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