Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Work without a Computer

Recently I've been thinking back to the days before I had my own computer. 

It wasn't that long ago. All through college I used a public computer lab, and my first two years in the 'real world' I didn't own a personal computer. All of my emailing was done at work, and any research I did for personal work I did.... where did I do that? I know somehow I made it through college without a computer, and never felt a lack of inspiration and research sources. 

In fact, sometimes the sensory overload of what's on the internet these days is a little overwhelming, and intimidating! Some days I like to go to a trusted place to get away from everything that's out there, and research and sketch. It's an amazing resource, and can be found virtually everywhere you go. Where is this place? Why it's the public library. 

There's nothing like the smell of the public library. I guess it's the old books. I took my first visit to Atlanta's largest library today, and there is whole floor (it's a 6 floor library, dreamy) dedicated to reference books. This is usually my favorite section. Below are some shots of the amazing spines you'll find in the aisles of the reference section.

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