Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What I want my garden to look like...

1. from Deco Uvrir Blog
2. Shoot....I forget, I think Anthropologie.
3. Ship and Shape Planter
4. Weekend Carnival Blog

Above are some GREAT inspirations for porch gardens. I love all the color in the first image. I'm ready to find a dumpster full of fabric scraps so I can make myself a little rug for my outdoors (our windows leak and leave the veranda soaked) that is ready to get dirty. I great lantern and hanging plants. Ones that can withstand the windy area I live in. Would you like to see how my garden is coming? Because it doesn't look at all like this...

It looks like this:
Baaahhahaha. Sad, right? I'm working on it. Sometimes I just don't have patience to make EVERYthing in the house look great. I just want to grow some green stuff...

1 comment:

Jeni Baker said...

Still cute though! Your all your pretty inspiration! I'm going to container garden next year, this year's big plot was too much for me to keep up with ! :)